Five Expressions Every Day (1)

1. “re:” in the subject line of emails

Most people take this “re:” to stand for ‘reference’ or ‘regarding’. However, this is a misconception. What “re” actually stands for is the Latin word “res”. “Re” is the ablative form of the noun “res”, which means ‘thing’ or ‘affair’. Therefore, “re” means ‘about the thing’ or ‘about the affair’.

2. tactic

Source: 3 Tactics to Obliterate Selfish “Just Checking-In” Follow Up Emails From Your Routine [post interview suggestions]
Definition: a method that you use to achieve something
eg. When he offered to lower the price, I thought this was a sales tactic.

3. snail mail

Definition: traditional mail via postal system

4. confine

Source: I usually confine it to email and make it a quick note - thank them again for the interview and ask if there’s been an update/any movement on the position. [post interview suggestions]
Definition: to keep someone or something within the limits of a particular activity or subject
eg. We confined our study to ten cases.

5. miscellaneous

Source: WPF property panel
Definition: a miscellaneous set of things or people includes many different things or people that do not seem to be connected with each other. 混杂的; 五花八门的; 各式各样的;不知道该归为什么类别的杂七杂八的.
eg. They eat a lot of meats and dairy foods, along with a lot of miscellaneous items that don’t fall into any group.

6. 表示不理解、不明白

It’s totally beyond me./It’s over my head.

7. For Dummies

For Dummies
