Five Expressions Every Day (2)

1. unsolicited

Source: rules for unsolicited information [Health Information Privacy Code (Health 101)]
Definition: not asked for and often not wanted
eg. unsolicited advice/unsolicited calls

2. rest home

Source: [Health Information Privacy Code (Health 101)]
Definition: a place where old or sick people can live and be taken care of

3. wonky

Source: wonky eyebrows[youtube video]
Definition: unsteady or not straight or level

4. sting

Source: a kind of makeup stings (eyes) a little bit [youtube video]
Definition: 表示某种东西有点刺激

5. spat

Source: Monica: I think our lover’s spat will start a little early this month. [Friends S06E21]
Definition: a short unimportant quarrel. 小口角
